The prostate is one of the most important organs in the male body. This crucial organ is responsible for three main functions including fluid production for the transmission of semen, hormone control, and urine regulation. Life with a healthy prostate is what most men would call ‘normal’ and just like you don’t often think of your internal organs, regardless of how tirelessly they work for you, it’s possible never to give a prostate more than a cursory thought.
Unfortunately, not all men are privileged with the experience of never having to think about their prostate past the introductory information they learned and forgot somewhere in their schooling career. For many men, dealing with prostate issues is something that becomes a normal part of life. In fact, the general recommendation for men in their 50s is to start receiving annual prostate exams.

This can be for a multitude of reasons, with cancer being one of the most common and dangerous. However, an unhealthy prostate can result in a lot of unpleasant symptoms, that while they may not be as dire and urgent as cancer can still affect the quality of life. For example, frequent urges to urinate as well as painful micturition or even painful ejaculation can all stem from prostate issues.
While a medical provider should be consulted with any and all concerns of prostate health, there are things that you can do to take your life back into your own hands and start enjoying the benefits of a healthy prostate. From diet to medical intervention – all the way to prostate massagers. A prostate messenger is something that you should ask your medical care provider about before using if you suspect that you may have issues with your prostate.
In general, these devices are considered safe and a great way to not only derive pleasure from your prostate, which acts as a pleasure center for the male body but also to help you keep a healthy prostate. If you are new to the world of prostate massagers, know that it is normal to feel intimidated or even perplexed by them. Prostate massagers are an incredible form of self-pleasure, however, if you don’t know what you are doing they can be a source of some not-so-pleasant learning curves.
So, if you have been curious about using a prostate massager to help keep your prostate happy, healthy, and serving you, here are some simple dos and don’ts you should follow.
1. Do – Educate Yourself

This might seem a little redundant – especially if you are reading this article, but this is a big one. If you don’t know how to use these sensitive devices, ask, watch videos, or talk to someone who knows. It may seem a little uncomfortable to put yourself in this place, but the truth is you want the full benefit of a prostate massager – not an accidental injury from misuse. So, whether it’s your primary care doctor – or an online tutorial, make sure you are comfortable with your knowledge before use.
2. Do – Use Lubricant

Another very important aspect of the learning curve of prostate massagers is going to be safety – and lubricant is key. Using lubricant could be the difference between getting the full benefit of this device, or suffering an unfortunate unpleasant first experience. The path of least resistance is the best path when it comes to prostate stimulation.
3. Don’t – Get Stressed

When it comes down to it, using this device for the first time is going to be like any first-time intimate experience – there are going to be things you immediately like, and things you immediately realize you won’t repeat. This is okay! Relaxing is going to be key to enjoying your use of the prostate massager. Clinching, being stressed, or anxious is going to lead to complications and could create an unpleasant experience overall.
4. Don’t – Use it While Under the Influence

This precaution is especially important for those who are new to the world of prostate stimulation and massage. This is a very sensitive and important organ of the male body. As much as it does house the potential to create an incredible amount of pleasure, it also houses the potential to cause discomfort if not interacted with properly.
Being of sober, steady, and clear mind is important when learning how to use a prostate massager in a way that promotes your best health.
Whether you are using a prostate massager for health-related reasons or personal pleasure, the end result will be something that you are happy with when done correctly. Taking your time, relaxing, and making sure you are confident and comfortable are key ways to get the most out of your prostate massager.